How to successfully delegate to your remote team

The world of business is speedily moving toward remote employment. Since the pandemic kicked in, managers were compelled to accept remote employment as the sole strategy for maintaining corporate operations. This major shift has raised the value of one more important skill — delegating.

To be a good leader, you must know how to effectively delegate work to a remote team and build smooth communication with employees. Undoubtedly, successful delegation is only possible with good time management skills. Also, it would help if you had a reliable trust team to ensure deadlines are met and target customers are left happy with your services. Still, by giving part of your responsibilities to remote workers, you agree to possible risks like delayed task completion or lack of expertise with members. It can substantially drag your business growth down and undermine the team spirit. As a leader, you may wonder if the viability of giving part of your authority to freelancers with different timezones, scattered attention, and irregular working hours. To make it easier for you, we have collected several techniques to use when you fail to delegate tasks to remote employees.

Why is it important to delegate work to your remote team

Delegating work to senior remote team members becomes essential when a project grows so big that you can't handle every moving aspect individually. If you take all the workload on yourself, you are likely to get burnout and recurrent failures. Effectively executed delegation makes your workflow more structured and systemized, resulting in better accomplishments and higher team motivation.

It is your delegating responsibility as a leader to view the broad picture of your project and assign the proper duties to your coworkers. Considering the strong sides of each team member, you can delegate tasks that will unleash their potential to the fullest and bring impressive results. It is not only about enhancing your efficiency, though. Successful delegation is also meant to develop a collective mindset and mutually supportive environment where everyone does their bit to achieve a common goal.

This article contains useful suggestions on delegating tasks to a remote team.

Five tips on how to delegate tasks effectively

Elaborate on your technical assignment

Giving some basic information when you delegate tasks to remote workers is often insufficient to ensure quality task completion. A lack of coworkers' understanding of technical aspects can slow down the project's advancement, thus distancing you from the final goal. Elaborating on the tasks can help to identify any probable challenges that may arise, ensuring that the project stays on track and is completed within the designated timeframe and budget.

Set a mutually respectful communication

Setting smooth communication with partners helps build trust and respect within the team, contributing to better cooperation. A respectful communication style reduces conflicts, leading to faster task completion, better employee engagement, and job satisfaction. When you give a generous amount of praise and carefully point at some faults instead of harshly criticizing, you have a higher chance of attracting and retaining top talent.

Establish SMART goals

SMART — specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals, and if your business goals correspond to these criteria, they are likely to be achieved. The SMART system gives you a sense of accountability and motivation, as it provides clear milestones to work towards. Having examined every point of your objective, you can delegate tasks to a remote team without worrying about their completion. They also help align the team members to a common direction and prioritize the resources needed to succeed.

Use virtual collaboration tools

Visual collaboration tools play a significant role in team building in the software field by facilitating communication and collaboration among team members. These tools allow workers to share information, ideas, and updates in a visual format that is easy to understand and utilize. You can either delegate work to remote workers or make hop-up calls to monitor task completion and bring about new concepts. Visual collaboration tools are an open space for brainstorming ideas in a friendly atmosphere.

Highlight your team's strengths

Remember to remind your coworkers how vital their skills are for your company. Emphasizing your team's strengths is a good way to make them feel their value. Highly motivated people work with more diligence, which is reflected in their productivity trackers and overall task performance.

When project managers are aware of the strengths of their team members, they can better allocate tasks and resources and make more informed decisions. Building the right approach to your team members fosters a positive company culture and forms a base for successful project management.

Successful delegation checklist

Be clear about what you delegate

Determine which assignments you may delegate and which you should continue to handle alone. Make sure they fit into the arranged timeframes. Then, outline each facet of the project, including who supervises it remotely and where, along with the parts that remain under central control.

Determine delegation authority

Choosing a delegation authority who is experienced, trustworthy, capable, and has a broad knowledge base of the project and team dynamics is essential. The person should also have good communication and leadership skills and be able to make quick, informed decisions. Before you delegate work to remote employees, think about who is the most suitable for the project coordinator position and possesses all the traits mentioned earlier.

Explain the task clearly

If you want to delegate work to remote staff, you should be ready for thorough documentation and a clear overview of what must be accomplished and when the task should be finished. In case you are not feeling confident about certain points, don't shy away from looking into additional data. Instead, research for some information, take notes and present your outline at the meeting.

Give a realistic timeline

Missed deadlines are not only your workers' fault but can also be your own omission. Truth be told, unrealistic timelines are not always the case of delegating work to remote staff. Business owners often set them when they want to speed up progress and try to use all the available means to achieve the goals. However, their company's future is at stake since they can lose trustworthy partners who will be unwilling to work under such pressure.

Provide constructive feedback

Giving meaningful feedback can foster trust and open communication, as individuals feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas. It allows them to learn from their mistakes and improve their skills. Remember that feedback should be specific, objective, and focused on the task or behavior rather than on a person's individuality. Also, constructive feedback should be balanced, meaning that you acknowledge both positive and negative aspects and deliver it in a way that is respectful and non-threatening.

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What is effective delegation?

Effective delegation allows managers and leaders to make the most efficient use of their time and skills and empowers others to take on more responsibility and develop their own abilities. Read the article to learn how to delegate work to a remote team and maintain collective team spirit.

Why is delegation important?

Delegation is important for several reasons:

  1. Increased efficiency

  2. Developed skills and abilities

  3. Higher engagement 

  4. Trusted environment

  5. Improved decision-making

How to delegate tasks to a remote team?

When you delegate tasks to remote staff, you should:

  1. Be clear about what you delegate

  2. Determine delegation authority

  3. Explain the task clearly

  4. Give a realistic timeline

  5. Provide constructive feedback

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