Roles and Responsibilities to Ask from Software Architect

In any type of software development, there is a need for a leader who transforms the project from an abstract idea to a functional solution. These experts are software architects — an integral part of any successful team.

In this article, we will answer the questions, “What does a software architect actually do?” and “Which responsibilities do they take on?” With this info, you’ll be able to choose the right professional with the appropriate skill set when hiring.

What does a software architect do?

Software architects are the specialists who create the technical roadmap for the project. They define technical needs and establish clear standards for tools, platforms, and coding practices. Architects also evaluate various processes and technologies to identify the perfect fit for their development teams.

With deep technical knowledge, software architects can solve complex coding issues. In short, these experts help their parent company define and achieve its goals in the technical aspects of app development.

Here is a quick “What do software architects do in the company?” overview:

Strategic planning

Architects define the technical roadmap for the project, ensuring it aligns with the client’s business aims. This involves selecting the appropriate technologies, tools, and architectural patterns for the project’s foundation.

System design and architecture

These experts create the future software’s blueprint, ensuring that scalability, security, maintainability, and performance are woven into the system’s fabric.

Technical leadership

Software architects provide technical guidance and mentorship to the development team, ensuring that every member works towards the same vision.

Communication virtuoso

The role of software architect also comprises bridging the knowledge gap between technical and non-technical parties. They translate complex technical concepts into clear, understandable language for non-specialists involved in the development.

Quality control

Software architects are also responsible for product quality throughout the development lifecycle. They implement various processes and methodologies to ensure that the final product meets the highest industry standards.

Mastering the key roles and responsibilities of software architects

While the specific software architect roles and responsibilities differ across projects, some key duties are typical for these specialists in most companies:


This stage comprises laying out the groundwork before the design phase begins. Software architect roles in this development phase include research, gathering information, and exploring available options. They act as strategic consultants defining the project’s direction.


Architectural prototyping involves constructing the first models of what the product may look like. These are flexible blueprints, easily modified to explore different design approaches, styles, and features. They allow architects to iterate and refine the project.


Software architects translate high-level concepts into actionable plans, designing user interfaces and defining tech specifications. They work hand-in-hand with software engineers to ensure all requirements are meticulously translated into the final product.

Quality assurance

As we’ve already mentioned, software architects use rigorous, systematic testing processes to evaluate products and services against specific quality standards. This quality assurance lasts throughout the entire project lifecycle.


The architect’s role doesn’t end with the product’s launch. They are responsible for the software system’s ongoing sustainability, which involves managing and maintaining operations and providing valuable support to clients after the initial deployment.

Navigating the diverse landscape of software architect types

The core role of a software architect is to design and build software systems, but there are also specializations that cater to different needs. Here’s a list of main architect roles:

Data architect

Such specialists design and manage data systems, ensuring information is collected, stored, secured, and readily accessible.

Enterprise architect

These specialists focus on long-term growth and improving development systems for maximum scalability and efficiency. This includes reducing system complexity, improving IT systems’ agility, and more.

Solution architect

Those are the developers who create the structure of an application and manage the project from the interaction to the completion stage. They identify organizational needs, report progress to managers, agree on plans with clients, and advise clients on future software improvements.

Technical architect

These problem-solvers translate business needs into practical IT solutions, working alongside engineers to craft effective project development plans. Solution architects also perform stage testing procedures and help their team maintain and manage software.

Essential skills for software architects

Let’s explore the skill requirements for software architects.

Hard Skills

  • Profound technical expertise: A software architect must possess a deep understanding of the principles and technologies involved in the design process. Node.js, JavaScript, and Angular are just a few instruments that should be present in such a specialist’s tech stack;

  • Coding proficiency: Connecting design and development takes good technical skills. Their fluency in various programming languages and platforms empowers them to build robust web and mobile applications, APIs, and microservices;

  • Mastery of cloud technologies: Knowing cloud technologies like AWS or Azure is also crucial for software architects. They utilize these platforms to make the software they design more scalable, secure, and efficient;

  • Domain expertise: Whether it’s finance, healthcare, or e-commerce, a software architect should have domain knowledge. Their job includes tailoring solutions to the business’s unique needs, so they must understand the specifics of their chosen niche.

While the skills mentioned above are standard requirements for a software architect, as an employer, you should also look for additional tech expertise:

  • Understanding DevOps principles: A software architect who’s often required to close the gap between development and operations can use some additional DevOps expertise;

  • Systems design pro: In-depth knowledge of systems design practices allows a software architect to craft robust and scalable systems, making the resulting software more adaptable and scalable;

  • Data modeling and database design: Implementing efficient data storage solutions also frequently falls into software architects’ purview.

Soft Skills

  • Effective leadership: As team leaders, software architects should inspire and motivate their fellow developers. They are often called to provide mentorship to other team members, so these specialists should be adaptable and have excellent social skills;

  • Clear communication: These professionals need to communicate the tech vision clearly and present complex development data in an understandable manner. Therefore, software architects should be able to communicate effectively with their team and other stakeholders;

  • Innovative problem-solving: Analytical skills are crucial to overcoming unforeseen obstacles and keeping the project on track. Software architects should understand how specific elements impact the system and how they can be managed;

  • Structured organization: Software architect responsibilities include structuring complex systems and processes. Keeping development under control requires clear task delegation and efficient resource use;

  • Efficient time management: Software architects should possess excellent time management skills, balancing priorities to help the project team stay within the allocated time frame. They are also likely to encounter various tasks that must be handled simultaneously;

  • Inventive, creative thinking: The software architect’s job is to discover alternative solutions and identify potential improvements beyond the initial project’s scope. Creative thinking is also an essential skill for resolving conflicts.

Elevate your team: hiring a software architect for maximum benefits

While engineers handle most of the development, your project will never realize its full potential if you neglect to hire a software architect. Let’s discover the key benefits of including such specialists in your organization:

Having an experienced leader

Software architects are strategic masterminds. They can translate your business vision into a clear and achievable technical roadmap and guarantee that your development teams are well-aligned, working towards a single objective.

Improved scalability and maintainability

Such specialists will ensure your software can adapt and grow as your needs change. Well-architected systems are easier to maintain, reducing long-term costs.

Optimized performance

Software architects understand how to combine various technologies to create systems that are not only functional but also fast and efficient. This helps to provide a smoother user experience for your customers.

Reduced risks

The in-depth technical knowledge of software architects allows them to anticipate potential challenges and plan for them.

Boosted team productivity

Another reason to hire an architect is that they can translate complicated technical concepts into actionable and clear plans. This leads to smoother collaboration between developers, designers, and stakeholders.

Navigating software architect salary and costs

Several factors determine a software architect’s salary. Technical expertise, experience, and the organization itself all play a role in defining their annual work compensation. The location of the company should also be included in this list.

In the U.S., software architects can expect to command competitive salaries. For example, a study by Glassdoor suggests that, on average, software architects can earn upwards of $163,000 annually. Entry-level professionals will start around $144,000. The salaries of senior architects with extensive experience may reach $196,000. These numbers highlight the value a skilled software architect can bring to the project.

Consider Dworkz, your trusted partner

Finding a skilled software architect can sometimes be challenging. At Dworkz, a San Francisco-based UI/UX design and development firm specializing in data-driven B2B SaaS companies, we understand the importance of building a strong development team. Our specialists apply their expertise to craft innovative UI/UX design for B2B SaaS and help you assemble the ideal team to bring your vision to life.

Why Dworkz?

  • Specialists capable of developing modern and engaging projects, considering

    data-driven application infrastructure;

  • Effective and transparent collaboration with clients throughout the development process;

  • History of launching hundreds of cutting-edge, data-driven B2B SaaS digital products;

  • Rich portfolio.

For instance, Iterate Studio®, an innovation hub, turned to us because it needed a clear and informative microsite to attract potential clients and showcase its collaboration options. We crafted a user-centric microsite highlighting Iterate’s various collaboration models and offering transparent onboarding guidance. The streamlined platform named simplifies the onboarding process, fosters smoother collaboration, and seamlessly connects Iterate with innovative startups. The client was satisfied with the results of the Dworkz team’s efforts.


Now you know the basics of what to look for when hiring a software architect. An experienced professional on the team meeting all software architect requirements is essential for successful software development. By understanding their unique roles and duties, you can outpace competition and improve your development processes.

Remember to clearly communicate your project’s goals, technical needs, and desired outcomes. Build a collaborative and effective partnership with your software architect, and they will help you translate your software aims into a well-crafted reality.


Why is software architecture important?

Creating the software development architecture is essential, as it defines the structure and foundation of a software system, ensuring its scalability, maintainability, and performance.

What does a software architect actually do?

A software architect designs the overall structure of a software system, making critical decisions about technology, components, and integration.

Is a software engineer better than a software architect?

Both roles are vital in software development. Engineers focus on coding and implementation, while software architect roles cover the system’s design and strategic direction.

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